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Whoopi Goldberg Insists She’s Not Anti-Semitic, Just ‘Really, Really Good at Spotting Jews

In a bold move to clear her name, Whoopi Goldberg has come forward to insist that she is not, in fact, racist against Jewish people. “I just have a really good eye for spotting them,” the comedian and talk show host explained in a recent interview.

According to Goldberg, her impressive ability to identify Jewish individuals is not a result of any ill will towards the Jewish community, but rather a natural talent, much like her ability to tell a good joke or spot a bad toupee. “I can’t help it if I have a knack for it,” she said with a shrug.

But some critics are not buying Goldberg’s explanation. “It’s one thing to have a good eye for something, but it’s quite another to use that ability to discriminate against a group of people,” said Rabbi Abraham Cohen of the Anti-Defamation League.

Despite the backlash, Goldberg remains unapologetic. “I’m not going to apologize for having a talent,” she said. “Besides, it’s not like I’m using it for anything nefarious. I just like to point out the Jews in the room for fun. It’s a party trick, really.”

Many in the Jewish community, however, are not amused by Goldberg’s “party trick.” “It’s not funny or harmless,” said Rabbi Cohen. “It’s hurtful and offensive.”

But Goldberg is not backing down. “I’m Whoopi Goldberg, dammit,” she exclaimed. “I’ll spot the Jews if I want to!

In related news, Goldberg also claims to have a sixth sense for spotting vegans and gluten-free eaters

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