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The Pros and Cons of Going To A Nickelback Concert

The decision to attend a Nickelback concert should not be made lightly. After all, several considerations must be made, including how you want people to see you in the world. To make the decision a little easier, we have compiled a list of pros and cons you can use the next time you’re faced with the dilemma: should I or should I not go to the Nickelback concert?


  • A guaranteed way to make all your enemies jealous of your life choices
  • You’ll finally understand why people say, “so bad, it’s good.”
  • A great opportunity to practice your “I’m so over it” face for when your parents ask about your future plans
  • A great way to feel superior to people who like Nickelback
  • The perfect excuse to buy a new pair of earplugs
  • You can finally get that “I survived a Nickelback concert” T-shirt you’ve been wanting


  • You’ll have to listen to Nickelback
  • You may actually enjoy it
  • You’ll be subjected to the same jokes about Nickelback for the next six months
  • Chad Kroeger might try and bang your mom… again
  • You’ll have to explain to your parents why you wasted your money on this

There you have it. Now you can make an informed choice. You’re welcome.

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