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Psychiatrist Baffled After Patient Insists ‘Djent’ Is Real

In a bizarre turn of events, a patient at the local mental health clinic has been insisting that the much-debated music genre ‘djent’ is a real thing. The patient, whose name has not been released, has been adamant in his claims, despite the fact that no one else in the room can hear the purported music.

Dr. Christopher Hill, the psychiatrist assigned to the case, has been struggling to make sense of the situation. “It’s very strange,” says Dr. Hill. “This patient is adamant that djent is a real genre of music and that it’s actually playing in the room with us. No matter how much I try to explain that it’s not real, he just won’t accept it.”

The patient’s insistence has left Dr. Hill quite baffled. “I asked him if he could hear the djent in the room with us now and he said yes. I asked him to describe it to me and he said it sounded like a cross between metal and jazz. I asked him how he knew it was djent and he said he just did. It was very strange.”

Dr. Hill is currently working with the patient to try and get to the root of the issue. “At this point, I’m not sure what to make of the situation,” says Dr. Hill. “I’m trying to explore the possibility that he is simply confused and that he may be hearing something else entirely. Whatever the case may be, we’re doing our best to get to the bottom of it.”

The patient’s case has been making waves in the psychiatric community and has left many scratching their heads. “It’s a very strange situation,” says Dr. Hill. “I’ve never heard of a case like this before. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.”

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