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Protest the Hero Takes Protesting to a Whole New Level with Upcoming Album, 8 Songs Already Done

The band Protest the Hero is taking their love of protesting to a whole new level with their upcoming album. The group has already written 8 songs about protesting against heroes – war veterans, first responders, and more.

The lead singer of the band, Rody Walker, is excited about the concept of the album. “We’re really excited to challenge people with our music,” Walker said. “It’s one thing to protest against the government, but to challenge the public’s idea of who is a hero – that’s something we think is really important.

The songs on the album are sure to be a bit controversial. “We’ve got songs about how war veterans shouldn’t be glorified, songs about how first responders aren’t always heroes, and songs about how the public shouldn’t blindly accept what they’re told by their leaders,” Walker said.

The band is also planning on taking their message to the streets, performing their songs at protests and rallies around the country. “We want to use our music to inspire people to stand up for what they believe in,” Walker said. “We think the message of the album will give people the courage to challenge the status quo.”

If you’re looking for a new way to express your political views, Protest the Hero’s upcoming album might be just what you need. Just remember: Heroes aren’t always who you think they are.

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