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Neil deGrasse Tyson: ‘Djent is Not a Genre, It’s a Mathematical Equation’

Renowned astrophysicist and science commentator Neil deGrasse Tyson has weighed in on the hotly contested debate among music fans and musicians: Is djent a genre?

The answer, according to Tyson, is an emphatic “no.”

Djent is not a genre, it’s a mathematical equation,” Tyson declared in a recent interview. “It’s a combination of notes and rhythms that can be used to create a certain sound, and it’s not tied to any particular style of music. It’s a tool that can be used to achieve a certain aesthetic, but it’s not a genre.

If we think of djent as a genre, then we’re limiting its potential,” Tyson said. “As a tool, it can be used to create any kind of music, and that’s its beauty. It can be used to create something totally new and unique, or it can be used to create something familiar but with a fresh twist. That’s the power of djent.

You can take the same notes and rhythms and use them to create a hard rock song or a jazz song or a classical piece,” he said. “It’s all about how you arrange the notes and rhythms to create the desired effect.“, he added.

Tyson’s comments have sparked a heated debate among music aficionados, with some arguing that djent is indeed a genre, while others have dismissed it as a gimmick.

It’s great to see someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson weigh in on the debate,” said one fan on Twitter. “His insight proves that djent isn’t a genre, it’s an equation!

“The truth is, there are no genres in music,” Tyson said. “Genres are constructs, and they’re often arbitrarily assigned. Music is too complex and too fluid to be pigeonholed into a single category.

The debate is likely to rage on for some time, but Tyson’s opinion on the matter is clear: Djent is not a genre. It’s a mathematical equation.

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