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Metallica Frontman James Hetfield Warns of Social Media Impostors: Or Is That Something an Impostor Would Want Us to Think?

Metallica frontman James Hetfield has issued an urgent warning to fans about the proliferation of imposter accounts on social media, claiming that “at least 87%” of Hetfield’s on Twitter and Instagram are not the real deal.

It’s a serious problem, folks,” Hetfield said in a statement. “These imposters are out there, pretending to be me, posting pictures of themselves playing guitar, and giving terrible interviews. And I’m here to tell you: it’s not me. I would never give a terrible interview.

Hetfield, who is known for his no-nonsense attitude and tendency to speak his mind, urged fans to be vigilant and to “trust no Hetfield unless it’s verified.”

If you see a Hetfield on social media who is not verified, it’s probably not me,” he said. “And if you see a Hetfield on social media who is verified, it’s probably still not me, because I don’t have a verified account. But at least you’ll know it’s not me, which is something, I suppose.”

The singer also took a swipe at social media in general, calling it “a breeding ground for imposters and frauds.”

I mean, what kind of person wakes up in the morning and thinks, ‘You know what? I’m going to pretend to be James Hetfield today’? It’s just sad, really,” he said.

Hetfield’s warning comes amid growing concerns about spreading misinformation and fake news on social media, and his fans are taking the threat of imposter Hetfield’s very seriously.

I never thought this could happen to me,” said lifelong Metallica fan Jake Smith. “I’ve been following ‘Hetfield’ on Instagram for months, and I had no idea it was a fake. I feel violated.

So, fans, be warned, be careful of social media imposters, or it might just be the real James Hetfield talking to mess with your heads.

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