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Meghan Markle is an Evil Villainess Set to Devour Your Kids, Warns Daily Mail

In a shocking turn of events, a new report by the Daily Mail claims that Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, is actually a demon from hell sent to earth with the sole purpose of preying on innocent children.

The report, which is sure to cause panic among parents everywhere, claims that Markle has been using her royal status to infiltrate homes and families and steal away children, who she then devours for sustenance.

The Daily Mail has warned that Markle is especially fond of children between the ages of 3 and 8, and that she has the ability to transform into a variety of animals in order to better hide her nefarious activities.

The report goes on to detail Markle’s diabolical plan, which apparently involves her marrying into the royal family in order to gain access to the homes of unsuspecting families.

The Daily Mail is urging parents to be on high alert, and to keep a close eye on their children at all times. They also suggest that children be taught basic defensive strategies and be given a whistle to blow in case they encounter Markle in her many disguises.

In the meantime, the royal family has yet to comment on the allegations, though they are said to be taking the matter very seriously.

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