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Man Who Quotes Too Much Napoleon Dynamite at Risk of Losing Everything

Everyone knows the 2004 cult classic Napoleon Dynamite and its iconic one-liners. From “Gosh!” to “Yes! You know what, forget it,” the film’s characters have given us some of the most memorable movie quotes of all time. But for one man, impressing his friends with references to the film has gone too far.

After months of quoting Napoleon Dynamite in nearly every conversation, John Smith’s life is now on the brink of collapse. His friends, family and co-workers are all fed up with his constant references and are now considering putting a restraining order against him.

John just won’t stop,” said his friend, Sarah. “It’s like every word out of his mouth is from that movie. I’m at the point where I’m ready to block his number.

John’s wife, Lisa, is also fed up with his quoting habit. “I just can’t take it anymore,” she said. “He quotes the movie so much that I’m starting to think he’s in love with Napoleon Dynamite!

John’s co-workers are also concerned, as his constant quoting has started affecting his work productivity. “He just stands in the corner of the office quoting the movie all day,” said his boss. “It’s like he’s trying to be Napoleon Dynamite or something.

John is now facing the possibility of losing his job, his friends, and even his wife if he doesn’t stop quoting the movie. “I’m starting to realize that maybe I’ve gone too far,” he said. “I’m going to try to take a break from Napoleon Dynamite for a while.

Only time will tell if John can break his quoting habit and save his life. For now, all we can do is hope he can keep his obsession in check, or else he might find himself in a real bind.

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