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Local Psychopath Pays Full Ticket Price Just to See The Support Act

Local resident and certified psychopath John Smith has shocked townspeople with his latest financial decision. Smith purchased a full-price ticket to a concert featuring his favorite band, who were only the support act.

It’s just ridiculous,” said one resident. “It’s obvious that this man is nuts. Who pays full price for a concert ticket just to see the support act?

Despite criticism from the townspeople, Smith is unapologetic about his decision.

I love this band and I wanted to see them in concert,” said Smith. “It didn’t matter to me that they were only the support act. I was going to pay full price no matter what.

Smith’s friends and family worry about his mental state and financial decisions.

John is a great guy, but he needs to get his head checked,” said Smith’s friend Joe. “It’s not normal to pay full price for a concert ticket just to see the support act.

Smith is not concerned, however, and plans to attend more concerts featuring his favorite band in the future.

“I don’t care what anyone says,” said Smith. “I’m going to keep going to concerts to see my favorite band, no matter how much I have to pay for it.”

It looks like Smith will continue to shock the townspeople with his questionable financial decisions.

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