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Live Lobsters at Childish Gambino Concert Cause Chaos and Mayhem

Last night, Childish Gambino gave a concert unlike any other. In what is being described as a “bold and daring move,” the star rapper decided to throw live lobsters into the audience.

The audience was shocked and ecstatic but soon realized that the lobsters were not just for show. As the lobsters started crawling around the venue, pandemonium ensued. People scrambled to avoid the slimy crustaceans, screaming and running for the exits. The fans’ attempts to flee the venue were in vain, however, as the lobsters had already blocked the exits with their hard shells.

The chaos only intensified as the lobsters began to fight each other. They were clawing, snapping and biting at each other in a frenzy as they attempted to escape the venue. Some of the more daring fans even tried to catch the lobsters, but they were met with a swift and painful pinch.

Things eventually calmed down after the lobsters were rounded up and returned to the sea. In a post-concert interview, Childish Gambino defended his decision to throw live lobsters into the crowd, saying that “it was a way to show the audience that anything can happen at a concert.”

The event has left many people wondering what other surprises Childish Gambino may have in store for his next show. But one thing is for sure; it’s going to be an interesting night!

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