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Lamb of God Unleashes Wrath of Baa-dassery Upon Unsuspecting Fans

Fans of the heavy metal band Lamb of God have been left in a state of shock following their latest show. Reports of the band’s performance have left fans describing the event as “the most extreme experience ever.”

The band showed up to the show wearing their signature sheep costumes, complete with wooly jumpsuits and strategically placed horns. The lead singer, Randy Blythe, took it one step further by donning a shepherd’s staff and a red cape.

As the show began, fans were quickly enthralled by the band’s unique brand of hard-hitting metal. However, things quickly took an unexpected turn when Blythe began herding the crowd towards the back of the venue. He then proceeded to herd them into a pen and lock the door behind them.

The audience was left stunned and confused as the band continued to play, seemingly unaware of what had just happened. Eventually, the band took a break and Blythe addressed the crowd, saying “We’re all sheep here, so let’s act like it!”

The show ended with the band performing their hit song “Now You’ve Got Something To Die For,” to the delight of the now-sheepish fans. After the show, many fans took to social media to describe their experience as “unforgettable” and “truly unique.”

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