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Kate Bush Admits She Has Failed to Live Up to Her Song Title

In a surprising turn of events, legendary singer-songwriter Kate Bush has made a shocking admission: she has never actually run up a hill, despite having a hit song titled “Running Up That Hill.”

The iconic singer, who rose to fame in the 80s with her hit single, made the admission in a recent interview with Rolling Stone. “I’m sorry to say that I’ve never actually run up a hill,” she said. “I’ve never even seen a hill, let alone run up one.”

When asked why she wrote a song about running up a hill if she had no experience with the activity, Bush said that she had been inspired by a dream she had one night. “I dreamt I was running up a hill, and I woke up and was so inspired that I wrote a song about it,” she said. “I’m sorry to say I’ve never actually done it, though.”

Bush went on to say that she hopes her admission doesn’t disappoint her fans. “I hope people don’t think less of me for not living up to the title of my song,” she said. “But I’m sure they’ll still love it.”

Though she has never run up a hill, Bush is still proud of her song and the legacy it has left. “I’m proud of my song and the legacy it has left,” she said. “I just hope people don’t think I’m a fraud for not living up to the title of the song.”

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