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Joe Rogan’s Stand Up Comedy Set Interrupted by DMT Elves!

The crowd was roaring with laughter as Joe Rogan cracked jokes about the latest political news. Little did they know, things were about to get a whole lot weirder.

It all started when Joe Rogan decided to take some DMT before the show. It was supposed to be a fun night, but then the DMT elves showed up. Yes, you heard that right — DMT elves.

Suddenly, the elves appeared in the crowd and began to dance around. Everyone was shocked and confused, and Rogan had to pause his set to address the situation.

What the heck is going on here?” Rogan asked. “Why are there elves dancing around here?

Nobody in the audience could see the DMT Elves, but as avid listeners of his podcast, the audience knew this was one of those times when they should go along with the vibe and see what happens.

The elves ignored Rogan’s question and continued their strange dance. Rogan, obviously perplexed, then asked the audience to leave the theatre.

The audience quickly obliged, leaving Rogan and the elves alone in the theatre. What happened next is a mystery. Although, Rogan was seen a few hours later working on a new stand-up comedy set. Suffice it to say; those DMT Elves might have proven to be a valuable source of inspiration.

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