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Job For a Cowboy’s New Album is Music to Cattle’s Ears

Metal fans everywhere are rejoicing as Job For a Cowboy (JFAC) announced their new album, “The Agony Seeping Storm,” will be released sometime in 2024.

The album will bring a unique blend of metal and country music, a style the band has become known for. Lead singer Jonny Davy said the album is “a celebration of our growth and maturity as a band and a love letter to all of our fans who have been with us since day one.”

The album will feature several of their signature mosh-pit-friendly anthems, such as “Calf Roping All Night Long” and “Stampede Through the Saddle.”

But this isn’t just an album for metal fans; it’s also sure to be a hit with the cowboys and cowgirls. Songs like “Bull Riding Boogie” and “Ranchers Rockin’ the Night Away” will surely be barn-dancing classics.

The album isn’t just about music, though. It also features several spoken-word tracks that provide an interesting look into the lives of cowboys and their work. Tracks like “The Life of a Cowboy” and “How to Lasso a Cow” provide insight into a life many take for granted.

So, if you’re looking for a way to liven up your next barbecue or barn dance or want to find out what it’s like to be a cowboy, check out Job For a Cowboy’s new album when it’s released. It will surely be music to the ears of metalheads and cowboys alike.

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