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Jared Leto’s Relaxing Shoulder Rubs Leave Us Suspicious

Jared Leto is known for taking his roles to the next level, and his latest venture is no different. The actor has been spotted around town giving out free shoulder rubs and telling his fans to relax while shushing them.

The scene typically starts with Leto approaching a group of unsuspecting fans, asking, “Do you need a shoulder rub?” He then places his hands on their shoulders when they answer yes and begins to massage them. He then begins to whisper calming words like “relax” and “calm down” as he continues his massage.

While some fans are thrilled to receive a free massage from a celebrity, others are beginning to get a little nervous. After all, Leto is known for being quite eccentric and unpredictable. Is he just trying to be kind and help his fans relax, or is there something more sinister at work?

Only time will tell if Leto’s intentions are pure, but we suggest that fans proceed with caution. Oh, and Jared if you’re reading this, my right shoulder has been hurting a bit.

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