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James Cameron Confirms Multiple Avatar Sequels: Is It Time for a Conservatorship?

James Cameron has lost the plot, stopping short of shaving off his hair to avoid drug testing. The director of Avatar has announced that there will be multiple Avatar sequels released every year, so far going up to Avatar 5.

The news comes as a shock to many, as the original Avatar was a critical and commercial success. But since the film’s release, Cameron has apparently been hard at work on its sequels, obsessively working on them since 2009. To put that into perspective, a dog born in 2009 would be 14 years old and fast approaching the end of its life.

But while Avatar fans are surely thrilled by the news, some are asking the question: who asked for sequels, and why?

It’s a valid question: after all, Avatar was a perfectly self-contained story that didn’t really need any further additions. So why is Cameron going through with this?

The answer may have something to do with Cameron’s current mental state. Reports have been circulating for some time that the director has been displaying some odd behavior: spending large amounts of money on unnecessary items and making some questionable decisions.

These reports have prompted some to question whether it’s time for Cameron to be placed under a conservatorship for his own protection. This would involve placing him under the care of a trusted individual who would be responsible for managing his finances and ensuring that his decisions are in his best interest.

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