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James Cameron Announces Plans to Film 98 More Avatar Sequels, Assures Public They’ll Be Just as Good as the First Two

In a surprise move that has left audiences both excited and terrified, James Cameron announced plans to film 98 more sequels to his 2009 blockbuster hit, Avatar.

I know what you’re thinking: ‘James, how could you possibly top the groundbreaking visual effects and groundbreakingly average story of the first Avatar?’ But trust me, we’ve got some real game-changers in store for these next 98 films,” said Cameron in a press conference held at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

When asked about the plot of the upcoming sequels, Cameron was tight-lipped but did reveal that they would all revolve around the continued adventures of Jake Sully and his love interest, Neytiri, as they explore the vibrant world of Pandora and discover new and exciting ways to use the phrase “unobtanium.”

Let’s just say, we’re going to be taking the whole ‘blue people’ thing to the next level,” he teased.

Cameron also assured fans that, despite many sequels, they would all be of the same high quality as the first Avatar. “I can guarantee that each and every one of these films will be just as good as the first. And by ‘good’, I mean ‘visually stunning but emotionally empty‘,” he said with a chuckle.

Cameron brushed off the concerns when questioned about the potential for audience fatigue and box office failure. “Look, I made Titanic. I know a thing or two about making a movie that people will watch over and over again, even if they hate themselves for it,” he said.

Production on the third and fourth sequels is set to begin next month, with plans for the remaining 98 films to be shot back-to-back over the next century.

I know it’s a lot to take in, but brace yourselves, folks. We’ve got 98 more Avatar sequels coming,” said Cameron before diving back into the Mariana Trench to begin pre-production on the next film.

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