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Inflation Not Related to Balloons, According to the World’s Worst Economist

In a cringeworthy moment, the world’s worst economist has made an embarrassing mistake while attempting to explain inflation to a group of students.

During a lecture at a local university, the economist was discussing the nature of inflation when he made the startling claim that inflation was caused by blowing up an inflatable balloon.

The students in attendance were understandably confused, and one student asked him to explain further. The economist’s response was to ask if anyone had an inflatable balloon.

Needless to say, the lecture did not go well after that.

The economist’s blunder quickly spread across social media, with many people expressing disbelief that someone in his position could make such a mistake.

In a statement released shortly after the incident, the economist admitted his error and apologized for any confusion he may have caused.

Inflation, he said, is actually an increase in the average level of prices in an economy over a period of time. It is typically caused by the increased cost of goods and services, and not by blowing up balloons.

The world’s worst economist has been widely ridiculed for his mistake, and many people have called for him to be removed from his position.

It seems like he will have to brush up on his economics if he wants to keep his job. Or, at the very least, stay away from inflatable balloons!

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