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If Darkness Frontman Justin Hawkins truly believes in love like his lyrics suggest, why is he so against monogamy?

When Justin Hawkins, frontman of the British rock band Darkness, proclaimed that “love has no bounds” at a recent press event, many fans were shocked. After all, this is the same man who wrote the hit single “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” – a song that celebrates the beauty of free-spirited romance.

But Justin’s views on relationships seem to be a bit more complicated than his lyrics suggest. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the singer said that he believes in “open relationships” as opposed to monogamy.

So what gives? How can a man who claims to be a true romantic be so against the idea of one-on-one commitment?

Well, it could be argued that Justin’s views are rooted in his own personal experiences. After all, he has been married twice and divorced twice. It’s possible that he’s experienced the same pitfalls of monogamy that so many others have – that it can lead to a stale, unfulfilling relationship.

But Justin’s views on love don’t just stop at relationships. In an interview with NME, he said that he believes love should be free and not limited by the boundaries of society. He believes that love should be expressed in all its forms, no matter how unconventional.

So why is this man so against the idea of monogamy? Maybe he’s just trying to be rebellious and buck the system. Maybe he’s trying to make a statement about the need for freedom and flexibility in relationships.

Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure – Justin Hawkins is a man who loves love. He just doesn’t believe that it should be confined to one person.

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