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Hugh Jackman Denies Taking Steroids, Says He Achieved His Wolverine Physique The Old Fashioned Way: Personal Trainer, Dietician, Expensive Supplements and Chef

Hugh Jackman, famous for portraying the iconic superhero Wolverine in the X-Men film series, has denied ever taking steroids to build his muscular physique. In a recent interview, Jackman revealed that he achieved his Wolverine-like body the old fashioned way – by hiring an expensive personal trainer, dietician, and personal chef, and taking expensive muscle building supplements just like everyone else.

I don’t understand why people think I took steroids,” Jackman said. “I’m just an ordinary guy who worked hard. I hired a personal trainer, a dietician, and a personal chef. I worked out and watched what I ate, eating only the finest expensive foods. I also consumed large amounts of expensive muscle building supplements. It was a lot of hard work and dedication, but I’m proud of the results.”

When asked why he went to such great lengths to build his body for the role, Jackman said, “I wanted to do justice to the character of Wolverine. I wanted to embody the character visually, and that meant taking my body to a new level. I was determined to do it without steroids.”

Jackman also shared what he did on a daily basis to get his body into Wolverine-shape. “I worked out at least five days a week with my $3000 an hour personal trainer and changed up my routine constantly. I ate a very strict diet and tried to stay hydrated. I also made sure to get enough rest so my body could recover. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.”

So, wwhile Jackman might have played a superhero, he has proven that he is just like you and me by hiring a team of expensive professionals to help him get into shape. He is human after all.

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