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George Soros Vaccinates Population, Steals $50 from Each Wallet

Billionaire philanthropist and conspiracy theory fodder George Soros has been accused of vaccinating the entire population and stealing $50 from each individual’s wallet during the process.

According to sources close to Soros, the billionaire saw the opportunity to not only do some good by vaccinating the masses but also to “make a quick buck” by stealing a small amount of cash from each person’s wallet.

I was just so grateful to be vaccinated, I didn’t even notice that my wallet was $50 lighter,” said Jane Smith, a resident of New York City who received the vaccine from Soros.

Soros, who has long been known for his philanthropy and support of progressive causes, has defended his actions, stating that the money will fund further vaccination efforts.

Look, I know it might seem unethical to steal money from people’s wallets, but the truth is, I’m a billionaire and I can do whatever I want,” said Soros in a statement. “Besides, the money is going to a good cause.

However, not everyone is convinced. “I don’t care if the money is going to a good cause, it’s still theft,” said John Doe, another vaccinated individual. “I demand that Soros return my $50 immediately.

Desperate to have their money returned, some have taken to Twitter, and the hashtag #WhereIsGeorge has started trending as people demand Soros return their money.

Despite the backlash, Soros remains unapologetic, stating that “sometimes, you have to do what it takes to make a difference in the world.

The incident has sparked a heated debate about the morality of taking money from individuals without their consent, even if it is for a “good cause.” But one thing is certain: George Soros has once again proven that he is not afraid to think outside the box and take bold action to make a difference in the world.

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