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Five Finger Death Punch Singer Tired of Going Unrecognized

When Ivan Moody, the lead singer of the heavy metal band Five Finger Death Punch, walks into a room, people usually take notice. But when Moody steps out into the public, he’s often ignored.

I wish people would recognize me just once,” Moody said in an interview. “It’s almost like they don’t even know who I am. It’s very disheartening.”

Moody says that he has tried everything to get recognition, including wearing a very noticeable “Five Finger Death Punch” shirt, but nothing seems to work.

I’ve even tried belting out one of our songs in public and no one even looks twice,” Moody said. “It’s really depressing.

Moody has reached out to his fans on social media in an attempt to raise awareness, but he says the response has been lukewarm.

It’s like they don’t even care,” Moody said. “I’m seriously considering changing my name to ‘Ivan Moody from Five Finger Death Punch’ just to get some recognition.”

Moody says that he will continue to press on and hopes that one day people will recognize him in public. Until then, he will just have to be content with the occasional fan recognizing him at a show.

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