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Falling In Reverse Rocks Fans’ Patience as Band Shows Up 30 Minutes Late for Bus Money Search

Fans of the popular band Falling In Reverse were left waiting in anticipation last night as the band took the stage 30 minutes late. But it wasn’t technical difficulties or a diva-like demand for green M&M’s that caused the delay. No, the band searched for the missing $5 lead singer Ronnie Radke had dropped between the sofa cushions.

I couldn’t believe it,” said concertgoer Ashley Smith. “Here we are, ready to rock out to some of the best music around, and the band is nowhere to be found. And then we find out they’re just looking for bus money? I mean, really?

Others in the crowd were equally unimpressed. “I paid good money for these tickets,” said concertgoer Jake Johnson. “I expect my bands to have their act together, not to be running around looking for loose change.

But not everyone was disappointed by the delay. “I thought it was kind of endearing, actually,” said concertgoer Samantha Rodriguez. “It just shows that even rock stars have to deal with the same everyday struggles that we do.”

Despite the delay, the band eventually took the stage and delivered an electrifying performance that left fans on their feet and begging for more. But many couldn’t shake the feeling that they had been shortchanged by the band’s pre-show search for bus money.

I’ll still be a fan, but it’s hard to shake the feeling that this could have been avoided with a little bit of planning and a piggy bank,” said Smith.

The band has not commented on the delay or their search for bus money. But one thing is for sure: no matter how much money they have in the bank, Falling In Reverse will always be the band that rocks your socks off and then looks for spare change to pay the bus driver.

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