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EXCLUSIVE: Man Who Uses Wife’s Leg as Drum About to Face Music

Bob Jenkins, a seemingly normal husband and father of two, is about to receive a wake-up call that he won’t soon forget.

Bob has been using his wife’s leg for years as a makeshift drum kit whenever the mood strikes him. Whether it’s a spontaneous jam session in the kitchen or a full-on drum line down the hallway, Bob has become notorious for his unique form of percussion.

But now, Bob is about to face the consequences of his actions. Sources close to the family have confirmed that Bob’s wife has had enough of his tomfoolery and is about to end his drumming days.

She was really fed up with it,” said a family friend. “She had warned him multiple times to stop using her leg, but he just wouldn’t listen. So she finally decided to take matters into her own hands and get rid of the problem once and for all.

The details of Bob’s punishment are still unknown, but one thing is certain: it won’t be pleasant.

It’s unclear how Bob will react to the news, but one thing is certain: he won’t be playing any more drums anytime soon.

So if you spot Bob in your neighborhood, don’t be surprised if he looks down in the dumps. He may have been banging a beat just days ago, but now he’s about to face the music.

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