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Cardinal George Pell’s Last Tweet From Hell

Cardinal George Pell, the former Vatican treasurer, who has passed away at the age of 81 due to complications from hip surgery, took to Twitter one last time to share his feelings about his newly acquired location.

In a posthumous tweet, he wrote, “It sure is hot in heaven.”

The tweet was met with confusion from his social media followers, who quickly realized that the cardinal had not, in fact, gone to heaven. Instead, his soul had been sent to a much less desirable destination.

With temperatures in hell reaching a scorching 300+ degrees, it’s safe to assume that Cardinal Pell was feeling the heat – literally.

Many of the cardinal’s followers were quick to respond to his tweet, expressing their shock and confusion as to why he would choose to share such a sentiment with the world.

One user replied, “Um… I think you may have gotten your directions mixed up, Cardinal Pell.”

Others were quick to point out that the cardinal’s tweet was the perfect example of how the afterlife can be full of surprises.

One user wrote, “So much for expecting your afterlife to be Heaven! I guess the lord isn’t as forgiving as people think he is.”

It’s clear that Cardinal Pell didn’t quite get the memo about where his soul was headed. Nonetheless, he is right where he belongs.

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