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Burger King announces new marketing campaign: A Burger King death metal band

The fast-food giant Burger King turned the fast-food world on its head and stomped on it today when it announced it was forming its own death metal band. The band, known as BK Death Metal, will take the stage as part of a new marketing strategy to target a younger demographic.

The band’s debut single, “Fries of Fire,” is described as a “brutal combination of double-bass drums, shredding guitar riffs and screaming vocals that celebrate the power of the Whopper.” The lyrics celebrate the burger and its “evil, flame-grilled goodness.”

Lead vocalist Angus “Meat” Burger said, “I’m excited to bring a new level of intensity to the Burger King brand. We want to show people that the Whopper isn’t just a burger. It’s a way of life. A way of life that’s as intense and powerful as our music.

The band has already started to gain a cult following, with fans praising their unique blend of fast food and death metal. BK Death Metal is set to launch its first tour this summer and has promised to “bring the house down with their devilish riffs and evil solos.”

We are stoked. Let’s hope the merch table doesn’t run out of Whoppers.

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