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Bird Watchers in Awe as Rick Rubin’s Massive Beard Provides Haven for Migrating Birds

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that a family of birds has made their home inside legendary music producer Rick Rubin’s massive beard. The birds, believed to be a species of sparrow, were first spotted by Rubin’s barber during a routine trim.

I was just giving Rick his usual beard shaping when I noticed some movement in there,” said barber Joe Smith. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw a whole family of birds nestled in there. I’ve been cutting hair for 30 years and I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The birds, who have yet to be named, have reportedly been living in Rubin’s beard for several months now and have even built a nest out of hair and dandruff.

I guess I just never noticed them before,” said Rubin, who is known for his bushy facial hair. “But now that I think about it, I do remember feeling a few pecks on my face every now and then.”

Bird watchers have flocked to Rubin’s home in hopes of catching a glimpse of the avian inhabitants of his beard. “It’s truly a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said bird enthusiast Jane Doe. “I never thought I’d see a bird’s nest in a human’s beard. It’s just so bizarre and yet fascinating.

But the birds’ time in Rubin’s beard may be coming to an end, as they have recently been spotted flying north, possibly for the winter. “I guess they’ve outgrown the beard and are ready to move on to bigger and better things,” said Rubin.

The bearded birds have yet to comment on their decision to migrate, but one thing is for sure: they’ll always have a special place in Rick Rubin’s heart and his beard.

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