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5 Signs Your Metal Band Vocalist Is Actually A Slug From Another Planet About to Enslave Humanity

While most metal vocalists are human, some have been known to be…otherworldly. Here are five signs that your metal vocalist is actually a slug from another planet and is about to enslave humanity:

1. You notice that their vocal range is abnormally wide.

What was once a typical guttural growl is now a wide range of pitches and sounds that seem to come from nowhere. It’s definitely not human.

2. They constantly talk about the “chosen few”.

Your metal vocalist may talk about how they were chosen to be the voice of an entire species from a distant planet. It’s a bit concerning, to say the least. You’ve noticed they’re always talking about “the coming of the great one” or “the end of days”. It may be time to start worrying. These are classic signs of an alien attempting to enslave humanity.

3. They’re leaving behind a slime trail wherever they go

Okay, this is getting concerning. I am pretty certain your metal vocalist is a slug; look at that slime trail. Your vocalist is generating more slime than is humanly possible. Have you noticed your metal vocalist is always covered in a slimy substance? This is a sure sign that your metal vocalist is actually a slug from another planet.

4. They’re building a following

Your metal vocalist is always trying to convert people to their cause. It’s like they’re trying to build an army or something. It’s definitely not a good sign.

5. Their appetite has increased

He has an abnormally large appetite and can be seen devouring large amounts of food at concerts.

If you’re noticing any of these signs, it’s time to start worrying. Your metal vocalist may be from another planet, and they’re probably planning to enslave humanity.

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