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Theophilus London Becomes Hide and Seek Champion, Still Missing

World-renowned musician Theophilus London has officially been declared the world’s first-ever Hide and Seek Champion, despite the fact that he has been missing since July of this year.

The announcement was made to a packed crowd of fans and journalists in London, who had gathered to celebrate the musician’s achievements. Unfortunately, Mr. London was not there to accept the award, as his whereabouts remain a mystery.

The competition was held in the hopes of finding the elusive London, who has been missing since July. Contestants were tasked with finding the missing musician in various locations around the world, with the winner being the one who found him first.

The competition attracted thousands of participants from all over the world, and after a grueling few months of searching, Theophilus London was declared the winner by default.

We are extremely pleased to declare Theophilus London the official Hide and Seek Champion,” said the competition’s organizer, Mr. Franklyn. “We have searched everywhere and have come up empty-handed. It’s an incredible achievement for Mr. London and we hope that he will be found soon.”

Despite his success in the competition, Mr. London remains missing and authorities are still appealing for information from the public. If you have any information about Theophilus London’s whereabouts, please contact your local police station.

In the meantime, let’s all take a moment to celebrate Theophilus London’s new title and hope that his whereabouts are revealed sooner rather than later.

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