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Slash invited me to his house for a succulent KFC dinner and had an existential crisis

I arrived at Slash’s house, expecting to be greeted by a rockstar. But instead, I was met by an unassuming figure wearing a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He offered me a seat at the kitchen table, where a giant bucket of KFC was waiting. We sat down and began to eat, but Slash seemed lost in thought.

Suddenly, he spoke. “Why are we here? What is the point of all this?” He gestured around the room, pointing to the bucket of KFC, the walls, the furniture, and everything in between. I was taken aback, not expecting such a philosophical question from the guitarist from Guns N’ Roses.

Then, as if nothing had happened, Slash went back to eating his KFC. We finished our meal in relative silence, and I left feeling a little confused and a little bit scared. I had no idea what had just happened, but I was sure that this was not the rockstar I had expected to meet.

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