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Robotic Vacuum Steals the Show at Imagine Dragons Concert

The Imagine Dragons concert at the local arena was rocked last night, but not by the band’s music. Instead, an unexpected guest – a robotic vacuum cleaner- completely stole the show.

The audience was already in high spirits as the band took to the stage and launched into their first song. But just a few bars in, a loud whirring noise suddenly filled the arena. Confused, the audience turned their heads to the side of the stage, where a robotic vacuum cleaner had appeared and was making its way towards the front.

The audience was stunned, and the band stopped playing, wondering what was happening. But the vacuum didn’t stop. It kept rolling along, with its sensors picking up the beat of the backing track, still playing, and dancing along with it.

The audience erupted into laughter, and the band joined in, playing along with the vacuum as it moved around the stage. The vacuum stole the show for the next few minutes with its smooth and robotic dance moves.

The vacuum rolled off the stage and back into the wings when the song finished. It was met with a standing ovation from the audience, which lasted for several minutes.

The band has since revealed that the robotic vacuum was a surprise guest and that they had been working with the manufacturer to prepare it for the show. The lead singer said it had been a great experience and that it had added a unique element to the show.

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