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Morrissey Announces new far right merchandise line

In a shocking turn of events, the beloved alternative rock icon Morrissey has announced the launch of his latest merchandise line, ‘Morrissey and the Far Right’.

The new line includes t-shirts, hats, and other accessories emblazoned with slogans such as ‘Nationalism Not Globalism’, ‘Immigration Control Now’, ‘Fuck off, we’re full’ and ‘Brexit Means Brexit’. The items have already been met with widespread controversy and criticism from Morrissey’s long-time fans.

“It’s a little hard to stomach,” said one fan. “I mean, Morrissey has always been a bit of an outsider, but this is a bit much.”

When asked about the new merchandise line, Morrissey responded with a statement that read, “These items reflect my views on the current state of the world. I believe that the only way forward is to embrace nationalism and limit immigration. It’s the only way to save our country from destruction.”

Not everyone is pleased with Morrissey’s new venture. Critics have pointed out that the line is tone-deaf, offensive, and completely out of line with Morrissey’s previous stances on immigration and nationalism.

“It’s really disappointing,” said one critic. “Morrissey has always been a champion of the underdog. It’s a shame that he’s now embracing the far-right rhetoric that’s been gaining traction in recent years.”

Despite the criticism, Morrissey’s new line is proving popular among certain segments of the population. Whether or not it will have any lasting impact on Morrissey’s career remains to be seen.

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