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Michigan Concertgoer Loses Three Teeth at Local Metal Show, “The best gig I’ve ever been to”

Local Flint, Michigan man Bob Smith was punched in the mouth by the lead vocalist of a controversial local metal band and lost three teeth.

But according to Smith, it was the best gig he’s ever been to.

I couldn’t believe it when the singer jumped off the stage and came over to me,” Smith said. “I thought he was going to give me a high five or something, but then he just wham! Punched me right in the mouth. But man, the energy in that room was electric. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

Smith went on to say that the punch was worth it for the incredible performance he witnessed. “I mean, sure, I lost three teeth and I’m going to be eating soup for a while, but it was totally worth it. The music was so intense, I couldn’t help but headbang and throw up the horns. I’ll definitely be at their next show, toothless or not.

The band’s lead vocalist, who chose to remain anonymous, had this to say about the incident: “Hey, it’s all part of the metal experience. If you can’t handle a little fist to the face, then you’re not a true fan. Bob’s a trooper, and we’re glad he enjoyed the show.

Despite the altercation, the concert ended on a high note, with fans and band members singing along to the final song. And as for Smith, he left the venue with a swollen lip and a newfound appreciation for the power of metal music.

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