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Metallica Announces St Anger 2

In a shocking move, Metallica has announced the release of their highly anticipated album, St Anger 2, featuring even more snare drum than the original.

According to the band’s lead singer, James Hetfield, they decided to take the snare drum to the next level after realizing it was the “unsung hero” of the first St Anger album. “We just couldn’t get enough of that crisp, metallic sound,” Hetfield said in a recent interview.

Fans of the band are already excited for the release of St Anger 2, with many claiming that the additional snare drum will take the album to a whole new level of heaviness. “I can’t wait to hear what they’ve done with it this time around,” said one fan.

But not everyone is convinced that more snare drum is a good thing. “I’m not sure if my ears can handle it,” said one sceptic. “The first St Anger was already pretty intense.

Despite the mixed reactions, Metallica remains confident in their decision to amp up the snare drum on St Anger 2. “We’re always looking to push the boundaries of heavy metal,” Hetfield said. “And what better way to do that than with even more snare?

The release date for St Anger 2 has not yet been announced, but fans can expect to hear plenty of snare drum when it hits stores and streaming services. Or their earplugs, depending on how they feel about it.

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