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Man with Limp Pushes Back Against ‘I Literally Can’t Even’ Meme: ‘It’s Not Funny, It’s My Life’

It’s an overused phrase heard everywhere these days — from social media, to the office, to the mall: “I literally can’t even.” But for one man, the phrase is more than just an annoying meme — it’s an everyday reality.

Meet John Smith. John has been living with a slight limp for the past 12 years, ever since he injured his leg in a hiking accident. He can still walk, but he often has trouble with balance and coordination.

John recently read an article about the “I literally can’t even” meme, which has been sweeping the internet lately. He was appalled to see that people were using a phrase so similar to his own daily battle as a joke.

It’s not funny,” John said. “It’s my life. I literally can’t even get out of bed in the morning without a struggle. I literally can’t even stand up for more than a few minutes at a time. I literally can’t even walk up the stairs without holding onto the railing. I literally can’t even go for a run, or play catch with my kids. It’s not funny — it’s my reality.

John’s message to the world is this: don’t take your body for granted. It’s easy to forget that there are people out there who don’t have the same level of physical ability as you, and it’s important to remain respectful and mindful of their struggles.

John may not be able to do all the things that his friends and family can do, but he’s still living his life to the fullest. He’s an active member of his local community, and is involved in many different charities. He’s even been known to crack a few jokes about his limp from time to time.

So the next time you hear someone say “I literally can’t even,” take a moment to think about John. And remember — it’s not funny, it’s his life.

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