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Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies: Has a lot of explaining to do when he has exit interview with former boss

Former Pope Benedict XVI passed away at the age of 95, leaving many wondering what his fate will be when he answers to the ultimate authority.

The Pope, who served from 2005 to 2013, was known for his conservative stance on issues such as gay marriage and the ordination of women. But far more serious were the allegations of clergy sexual abuse, a scandal that rocked the Catholic Church during his papacy.

So it’s safe to say that Pope Benedict has some explaining to do when he faces his former boss upstairs. After all, it was on his watch that the Church failed to take decisive action to address the abuses.

Meanwhile, people down here on Earth are already making jokes about the Pope’s upcoming meeting. “I hope he has a good lawyer up there,” one wit quipped. “He’s going to need one to get out of this one.”

Others have suggested that the Pope may have to pull a few strings to get off the hook. “He’s going to need to call in some favors to get out of this one,” one person joked.

It’s clear that the late Pope Benedict won’t be forgetting his past anytime soon. But he can rest assured that the Big Boss is a forgiving one, and that all will be forgiven in time. Until then, the late Pope can expect a few more awkward conversations in the afterlife.

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