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EXCLUSIVE: We Interviewed the Ghost of Avicii Using a Ouija Board

At Vanflip HQ, we constantly look for ways to push the envelope. And we recently sat down and interviewed Avicci in the afterlife using a Ouija board.

Vanflip: So, Avicii, how have you been since you left the world of the living?

Avicii: Well, it’s been a bit of an adjustment. The afterlife is quite different from the physical world. But I’m getting used to it.

Vanflip: That’s understandable. Now, what do you miss most about the physical world?

Avicii: The music. Definitely the music. I miss playing live shows and seeing the crowds enjoy my music.

Vanflip: That must be difficult. But, on the bright side, at least you don’t have to worry about being late for any shows!

Avicii: (Laughs) That’s true. I guess I’ll have to find someone else to blame for that now!

Vanflip: What do you want people to know about the afterlife? Is there a Jesus?

Avicii: (Laughs) No, there is no Jesus here. But there is plenty of peace and joy. It’s a place of love and light.

Vanflip: That’s controversial. Are you worried you will offend Christians by saying that?

Avicii: Not at all. Everyone has their own beliefs, and I respect that. I’m here to share my experience and what I’ve seen.

Vanflip: So, who is in charge of where you are?

Avicii: (Laughs) That’s a good question. I’m not sure if there is one single being in charge. But I can tell you love and light are abundant. It’s a very peaceful place.

Vanflip: So, no boss or holy figure is telling you what you can and can’t do?

Avicii: Nope, no one is telling me what to do. I’m free to do whatever I want and explore the afterlife as I please. It’s a great feeling!

Vanflip: Can you write music where you are?

Avicii: (Laughs) I’m afraid not. Music is something that only exists in the physical world. But I still get to enjoy it from here.

Vanflip: Wait, so you can hear music from the physical world where you are still?

Avicii: Absolutely. Music is a universal language that transcends all boundaries. So, yes, I can still enjoy music even though I’m in the afterlife.

Vanflip: Do you get hungry in the afterlife?

Avicii: (Laughs) No, I don’t get hungry in the afterlife. I guess it’s because I no longer have a physical body. But I can still enjoy the wonderful taste of food and drinks I used to enjoy in the physical world.

Vanflip: Can we expect any new afterlife music releases from you?

Avicii: (Laughs) No, I’m afraid not. But I’m sure I’ll find a way to get my music out there, even from the afterlife!

Vanflip: Let’s get serious for a moment. Who is your favourite DJ right now?

Avicii: That’s a tough one. But I think my favourite DJ right now is Martin Garrix. He’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the EDM world, and I admire that.

Vanflip: Maybe Martin will come to join you in the afterlife soon. I’m sure you two would have a lot to talk about.

Avicii: (Laughs) Maybe so! I look forward to it.

Vanflip: A few fun questions before I let you go. PC or Mac?

Avicii: Definitely Mac.

Vanflip: How many fingers am I holding up?

Avicii: (Laughs) Zero. You don’t have any fingers in the afterlife!

Vanflip: Wait, are you saying I’m dead and in the afterlife with you?

Avicii: (Laughs) No, I’m just kidding. You’re still alive and well. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go explore this wonderful new world. Take care!

Vanflip: Thank you for taking the time to sit for this interview. Any plans to haunt some clubs or old houses?

Avicii: (Laughs) I’ll leave that to the professionals. I will enjoy my time here in the afterlife and take it one day at a time.

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