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Dragonforce Plays for Spare Change as Their Guitar Hero Days Fade Away

In a shocking turn of events, the once-famous power metal band Dragonforce has been seen busking on the streets of their hometown of London. The band’s fifteen minutes of fame from their hit single “Through the Fire and Flames” on the popular video game Guitar Hero have ended abruptly.

The band was reportedly seen playing their signature high-velocity songs for spare change at a local bus stop. Sources say they were not making much money, but they certainly made an impression on the locals.

They sounded just like they did in the game,” one witness said. “It was really something to see. I think they were trying to make a statement about how their career has gone.”

The band’s lead guitarist, Herman Li, said, “We decided to take this action to make a statement about the music industry and how it doesn’t always reward talent. We’ve had success with Guitar Hero, but that’s not enough. It’s time to take things into our own hands and show the world what we can do.” As an elderly lady threw in a pound and some hard-boiled candy before boarding a bus.

The band has not commented on their current financial situation, but it seems clear that the lack of royalties from their Guitar Hero success has left them with empty pockets.

Someone threw ten pounds into their hat as Herman shredded the video game noise guitar solo in Through The Fire and Flames. Herman Li smiled; he knew that this meant the band would be able to afford a nice meal tonight.

It remains to be seen how long Dragonforce will be busking on the street or if they will ever return to their former glory. Like the lyrics in their only known song, the band will “carry on” In the meantime, fans can enjoy their unique brand of metal for a few coins—what a bargain.

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