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Courtney Love: “I’m Not Responsible For Kurt Cobain’s Death, But I Am Living In His Multi-Million Dollar Estate”

Courtney Love, the widow of the late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, has long been the subject of speculation about her husband’s untimely death. But Love insists she had nothing to do with it and has set the record straight in a recent interview.

“The rumors have always been ridiculous,” Love said. “I mean, if I had killed Kurt, why would I still be living in his multi-million dollar estate? That would be pretty stupid.”

Love went on to say that she has been living in the mansion since Cobain’s death and has been taking care of it with the help of her trusty staff. “It’s really not a big deal. I’m just making sure the place is kept up and that Kurt’s memory is always honored.

When asked what her plans were for the future, Love said she was planning on selling the estate and moving on with her life. “Kurt’s gone, and I need to move on,” she said. “I’m still very much in love with him, but it’s time to move on and make a nice profit from his definitely not murder and definitely a suicide he committed by himself.

Love also said that she has been working on new music and hopes to have something out soon. “I think it’s time to let Kurt rest in peace and start making music again,” she said. “I just want to make music that will make people happy, like Kurt did.

It’s clear that Love is still grieving the loss of her husband, but she is determined to move on and make something of herself. Whether or not her music will be as successful as Kurt’s remains to be seen, but Love is determined to make her mark.

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